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This document is applicable to version 1.6.x, Please use the command ll-cli --version to check your LingLong program version.

Add dependency

Linglong applications may lack package dependencies, which can currently be addressed by adding the corresponding package dependencies in the linglong.yaml file.

The ll-pica adep command is used to add package dependencies to the linglong.yaml file.

View the help information for the ll-cli adep command:

ll-pica adep --help

Here is the output:

Add dependency packages to linglong.yaml

  ll-pica adep [flags]

  -d, --deps string   dependencies to be added, separator is ','
  -h, --help          help for adep
  -p, --path string   path to linglong.yaml (default "linglong.yaml")

Global Flags:
  -V, --verbose   verbose output
ll-pica adep -d "dep1,dep2" -p /path/to/linglong.yaml

If executing within the same path where the linglong.yaml file resides, there is no need to include the -p parameter.