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Install Linglong Apps

Use ll-cli install to install Linglong apps.

View the help information for the ll-cli install command:

ll-cli install --help

Here is the output:

Usage: ll-cli [options] install com.deepin.demo

  -h, --help                           Displays help on commandline options.
  --help-all                           Displays help including Qt specific
  --repo-point <--repo-point=flatpak>  app repo type to use
  --nodbus                             execute cmd directly, not via dbus(only
                                       for root user)
  --channel <--channel=linglong>       the channel of app
  --module <--module=runtime>          the module of app

  install                              install an application
  appId                                application id

Example of the ll-cli install command to install a Linglong app:

ll-cli install <org.deepin.calculator>

Enter the complete appid after ll-cli install. If the repository has multiple versions, the highest version will be installed by default.

To install a specified version, append the corresponding version number after appid:

ll-cli install <org.deepin.calculator/5.1.2>

Here is the output of ll-cli install org.deepin.calculator:

install org.deepin.calculator , please wait a few minutes...
org.deepin.calculator is installing...
message: install org.deepin.calculator, version: success

After the application is installed, the installation result will be displayed.