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This document is applicable to version 1.6.x, Please use the command ll-cli --version to check your LingLong program version.

Search Apps From Remote

Use ll-cli search to search app meta info from remote repository.

View the help information for the ll-cli search command:

ll-cli search --help

Here is the output:

Usage: ll-cli [options] search com.deepin.demo

  -h, --help                           Displays help on commandline options.
  --help-all                           Displays help including Qt specific
  --repo-point <--repo-point=flatpak>  app repo type to use

  query                                query app info
  appId                                application id

Use ll-cli search to search app meta info from remote repository and local cache:

ll-cli search calculator

This command returns the info of all apps whose appid (appid is the app's unique identifier) contains the keyword "calculator", including the complete appid, application name, version, CPU architecture and descriptions.

Here is the output:

appId                           name                            version         arch        channel         module      description
org.deepin.calculator           deepin-calculator               5.5.23          x86_64      linglong        runtime     Calculator for UOS
org.deepin.calculator           deepin-calculator               5.7.1           x86_64      linglong        runtime     Calculator for UOS

If you need to look up Base and Runtime, you can use the following command:

ll-cli search . --type=runtime